• Restaurant Near me Beer Garden Essex Chelmsford Best Voted Bar Family Country Bank Holiday Day Live Music

    Restaurant Essex May 1st Bank Holiday Live Music

    We look forward to spending an amazing Bank Holiday at Green Man with you!

    Restaurant Essex May 1st Bank Holiday Live Music

    Live Music at Galvin Green Man

    Live Music at Galvin Green Man

    Join us on May 1st 2023 from 12.30pm for a day of live music!

    We have a fantastic line up joining us for the Bank Holiday.

    First up at 12.30pm we have Eden J. Eden can sing it all, from swing to rock!

    At 2.45pm we have the amazing Kelly Everitt. Kelly is the bubbly personality with the big voice taking you through the decades.

    Finally, to finish off the line-up at 5pm we have Adam Duffill. Adam will be rocking in our beer garden on the guitar and providing all the vocals to match!

    Restaurant Near me Beer Garden Essex Chelmsford Best Voted Bar Family Country Bank Holiday Day Live Music