• Restaurant Pub Chelmsford Essex with Private Dining Rooms Event Space Venue Howe Street Best Great Waltham in The Adnams Room

    The Adnams Room

    The Adnams Room has been decorated in partnership with Adnams Southwold and accommodate groups of 12-14 guests.

    The Adnams Room: Private Dining

    The Adnams Room: Private Dining

    12 to 14 Guests

    12 to 14 Guests

    The Adnams Room has been decorated in partnership with Adnams Southwold and accommodate groups of 12-14 guests.

    Day delegates

    We offer half and full day delegate packages, including:

    Coffee & tea
    Fruit juices
    Danish pastries & biscuits
    Optional lunch

    Each room is fully equipped with air conditioning, large screen TVs, DVD players, Wifi and inbuilt speakers for music.


    With natural daylight and wonderful tranquil views, our private dining rooms are perfect for intimate celebrations with family and friends:

    Baby shower
    Sports events
    Family Sunday lunch

    • UKs ‘best pub’

      I tried the UKs ‘best pub’ and felt like I was spoiling myself.

      Essex Live
      Private Dining Rooms Event Space in The Adnams Room at Galvin Green Man Restaurant Pub Essex